Tips to Protect Your Spine This Holiday - Dr. Langmaid featured on Studio10 Live
Just last week, I was able to be featured on Studio10 Live morning show giving holiday travel tips to the people of Tampa Bay.
We focused on the items below-
Check your posture. Remember all of those times your mother told you to sit up straight with your feet on the ground? Well, believe it or not, she was actually teaching you a very valuable lesson in posture, one that could mean the difference between bliss and pain for your back. When traveling make sure that you are sitting upright with your knees at no greater than a 90-degree angle.
Embrace heat. Whether you are traveling, visiting a friend, shopping or just roaming around the house, heat therapy can help reduce your chronic back pain. Consider getting the heating pads that adhere to your body to help with inflammation. You can remove or reposition them at any time.
Stretch it out. Take some time to walk around and stretch your legs and arms once every hour. Getting up to walk around and stretch can do wonders when you’re trying to avoid a flare-up of your chronic pain on a cross-country flight. That’s because stretching increases blood flow, elongates muscles to promote flexibility and can keep your back and leg muscles limber, all of which can help prevent your chronic back pain from turning your flight into a nightmare.
Make sure you pack smart. Though not having to wait in the baggage claim line may seem like a good idea before you are trucking your luggage from one end of the airport to the other, carrying around heavy bags will do more damage than good to your back. Make sure any luggage you have to carry for a prolonged amount of time is a manageable weight, or on wheels.
Wear the right shoes. Traveling is not high fashion, and the runways at the airport are for planes — not heels. Choose shoes that provide good arch support and comfort this season, and your back will thank you.
Just rest. If your baggage allows, bring along a pillow for extra neck support while you dream away your stress.
Dr. Langmaid Live on Studio10
-The Evidence Based Chiropractor has assisted hundreds of chiropractors around the globe build interdisciplinary referral relationships.
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