Email Marketing Mistakes Chiropractors Need to Avoid at All Costs
You've grown your email list, of patients, prospective patients, friend, and acquaintances. But now that you have this list of subscribers, what should you do with them?
You know that you're supposed to email them, but what should you say? And how often should you email the members of your list?
Messing it up could mean you'll find your subscribers will forget about you quickly, your open rates will plummet, or worse... you will end up in everybody's spam folder.
In this article, we'll go over the seven most common email marketing mistakes so you can avoid them. Read on to learn more about how email can help you grow your customer list and your business.
What Is Email Marketing and Why Do You Need It as a Chiropractor?
While it may be more fun to talk about the latest social media platform, email is still the best way to increase your marketing and sales. Email boasts the highest ROI when it comes to a low-cost way to reach your ideal target audience and launch your next big sale.
Targeting email marketing still provides the best way to reach your audience every day. Most social media feeds move fast; but email give you the opportunity to teach and invite consistently. We have docs that are still able to achieve 50%+ open rates that translates to 10-12 or more patient activations per month (just from sending weekly emails).
The most successful chiropractic practices utilize weekly email blasts to reach their audience and generate interest.
Seven Email Marketing Mistakes Chiropractors Need to Know
There is a right way and a wrong way to run your email campaigns. When it comes to email marketing, you don't want to make these common mistakes.
Not sending an onboarding email to new subscribers - welcome your new subscribers with a friendly and informative email immediately after they subscribe to your list.
Not ending your emails with a specific CTA - don't make people think, they're busy, tell them what you want their next action to be, whether it's reading a blog post or getting on your calendar.
Not sending enough emails - people will forget you if you don't show up in their inbox regularly (we find sending an email 1x wk to be a perfect cadence).
Sending too many emails - there is a Goldilocks situation here, you need to find the right balance, so you don't send too many emails either.
Not personalizing your emails - you can send targeted emails through email segmentation.
Not knowing your subscriber list and what they want to hear from you - again, this comes to market research and segmenting your list.
Not tracking your open rates and conversion rates regularly - know your percentages so you can plan your launches and know how much you can expect to make each time you run a campaign.
You spend a lot of time building your email list, so spend some time now learning how to use your list to grow your business successfully!
Avoid These Mistakes to Improve Your Targeted Email Marketing
From onboarding new customers to email marketing segmentation, you don't want to make these common mistakes. Email marketing can be your best marketing tool if you do it right.
Don't collect email addresses only to have them sit on your hard drive collecting virtual dust! Avoid these email marketing mistakes so you can create a valuable marketing campaign that will help you build and grow your business.
If you want to learn more about how email marketing can produce consistently and predictable patient activations, check out The Smart Chiropractor with ChiroEmails, and become a member today.
You're NOT crazy or seeing double.
This is a 50% open rate, and 18% click through rate on an email sent two days ago from a member of The Smart Chiropractor.
It resulted in 14 patient activations. No tricks, no discounts, no ad spend.
Super proud of what we've put together and how many docs we've been able to help during these crazy times.
This picture is from the Insights within ChiroEmails, our complete email system (automations AND content) which is a part of The Smart Chiropractor.
If you're ready to step up your marketing game- check out