The most listened to chiropractic podcast in the world.

New episodes released every Monday at 6 am EST.

Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

356- The Future of Foot Orthotics

Foot orthotics can help patients improve from back, leg, and foot issues. They are a great complement to the care you provide, but many chiropractors aren't sure where to get started when offering orthotics in practice. Join me for a conversation with Dr. Anthony from PowerStep on today's episode!

Episode Notes:

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

355- Overcoming New Patient, Retention, and Reactivation Problems

Today we explore the most important strategies to identify and overcome new patient, retention, and reactivation problems. This episode will improve the business of your practice!

Episode Notes:

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

354- Multifidus Changes with Spinal Degeneration

The multifidus is one of the most important stabilizing muscles in the low back. In today's episode, we explore new research highlighting the associations between spinal degeneration and multifidus changes.

Episode Notes:

Spinal degeneration is associated with lumbar multifidus morphology in secondary care patients with low back or leg pain

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

353- The Most Important Question You Can Ask to Get More Referrals

In this episode, we explore the most important question you can ask to get more MD referrals. Meetings don't need to be stressful when you have a plan. Listen in and get more MD referrals with your chiropractic marketing!

Episode Notes:

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

352- Cervical Disc Degeneration and Neck Pain

Is cervical disc degeneration linked to neck pain? In this episode, we explore a new study that highlights how the degenerative, and inflammatory, cascade can contribute to neck pain.

Episode Notes:

Cervical disc degeneration and neck pain

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

351- How to Stop Always Needing More New Patients

There are too many chiropractors who, each month, always "need" more new patients. In this episode, we'll get tactical on how you can fill the holes in your practice bucket and take steps to reduce the constant need for more new patients!

Episode Notes:

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

350- How NSAID's Inhibit the Healing Process

NSAID's are commonly prescribed to treat spinal (neck and low back) pain. But, did you know that these medications actually increase the risk of moving from acute to chronic pain because they inhibit the healing process? Learn more in today’s episode.

Episode Notes:

Acute inflammatory response via neutrophil activation protects against the development of chronic pain

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

349- Using Flexion Distraction to Find Relief from Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Flexion-distraction is a powerful treatment that can provide significant relief from neurogenic claudication and spinal stenosis. Discover just how powerful this technique can be in this new episode.

Episode Notes:

The influence of flexion distraction spinal manipulation on patients with lumbar spinal stenosis

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

348- Chiropractic After Surgery, Does it Help?

With up to a 40% risk of failed spine surgery, the need for post-surgical treatment options has never been greater. Discover the new research showcasing how effective chiropractic care after surgery can be at reducing pain and improving function.

Episode Notes:

Effectiveness of Multimodal Chiropractic Care Featuring Spinal Manipulation for Persistent Spinal Pain Syndrome Following Lumbar Spine Surgery

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

347- MRI Positioning: Does it Matter?

Does the position you are in when a spinal MRI is taken matter? In this episode, we look at new research highlighting the differences between prone and supine lumbar MRI's and how position can affect the clinical findings.

Episode Notes:

Prone Position MRI of the Lumbar Spine in Patients With Low Back Pain and/or Radiculopathy Refractory to Treatment

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

346- Neck Pain Outcome Measure Associations

Pain, disability, functional ability, and health-related quality of life are all important outcome measure for people with neck pain; but how do they stack up against each other? We analyze the latest research in this weeks episode.

Episode Notes:

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

345- The Top 3 Reasons Not to Have a Spinal Injection

Spinal injections are given to millions of people each year for neck and back pain; yet most are unaware of the research showcasing why these injections should be avoided. Learn more in this weeks episode.

Episode Notes:

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair. with the code EBC

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

344- Vertebral Artery Changes with Spinal Manipulation

In this episode, we explore a new research study which analyzed vertebral artery length changes during spinal manipulation (chiropractic adjustments). Tune in to discover the latest research which highlights just how rare vertebral artery dissection is based on minimal length changes.

Episode Notes:

Kinematics of the head and associated vertebral artery length changes during high-velocity, low-amplitude cervical spine manipulation

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair.

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

343- Reducing Benzodiazepine's with Chiropractic Care

Benzodiazepine's are ineffective and overprescribed for radicular low back pain. On this episode we highlight a new study showcasing how chiropractic care, and spinal manipulative therapy, can lead to a dramatic reduction in benzodiazepine prescriptions.

Episode Notes:

Association between chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy and benzodiazepine prescription in radicular low back pain: a retrospective cohort study protocol using national real-world data

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair.

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

342- Improving Your Patient Experience with Your EHR

In this interview with John Whaley, Product Manager at Jane, we discuss how important your EHR is during your patient experience. Great EHR's can enhance your patient communication, guide the journey, and streamline your clinic systems.

Episode Notes:

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair.

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

341- Generating Monthly Recurring Revenue with The Payday Practice

Episode Notes:

How would Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Tim Ferriss create a chiropractic practice? I believe it would be a Payday Practice. If you want to feel financial peace of mind, you need to diversify your income streams and begin generating monthly recurring revenue. Discover how in this episode.

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair.

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

340- The Top 3 Reasons to Not Have Spine Surgery

Over one million people each year have elective spine surgery. Many aren't fully aware of the truth about the procedures and have mismatched expectations for the results. In this episode, I peel back the curtain on spine surgery and showcase the top three reasons to not have surgical intervention.

Episode Notes:

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair.

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

339- The Essentials of Synovial Folds

Synovial folds are a critical spinal structure that chiropractors work with everyday in practice. In this episode we explore the landmark study showcasing the histology, function, and challenges associated with these important and often overlooked structures.

Episode Notes:

Synovial folds - a pain in the neck?

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair.

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

338- Ergonomic Factors That Cause Low Back Pain

This study identifies 5 important ergonomic factors associated with sitting and computer use that can lead to low back pain.

Episode Notes:

Factors affecting musculoskeletal low back pain due to computer usage

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair.

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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Podcast Jeff Langmaid Podcast Jeff Langmaid

337- Comparing Chiropractic Adjustments and Advice for Spine Pain

A new study has shown how chiropractic adjustment and manual therapy is more cost-effective and delivers better results than advice for people struggling with neck or back pain.

Episode Notes:

Manual therapy versus advice to stay active for nonspecific back and/or neck pain: a cost-effectiveness analysis

Designed by a Podiatrist over 30 years ago after seeing similarities in many of the custom devices he was creating, PowerStep offers an affordable, same day solution that combines support and cushioning.  Want to try a pair for yourself, click here for a free sample pair.

The Smart Chiropractor powers your patient journey to provide you with more qualified leads, more new patients, better patient retention, and consistent reactivations, without any money spent on advertising.

ChiroMatchMakers specializes in DC and CA hiring. We have over 100 positions available right now with salaries starting at $85K. Discover the available positions today by clicking here.

Our members use research to GROW their practice. Are you interested in increasing your referrals? Discover the best chiropractic marketing you aren't currently using right here!

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A Weekly Podcast on The Latest Chiropractic Research and Marketing.

New episodes are served up weekly at 6 EST. Are you ready?