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Lessons from a Team - by The Evidence Based Chiropractor
Many chiropractors look at a cabinet of files (electronic or paper) and consider "their" patients. Not surprisingly, many medical doctors also look at a stack of files and consider the individuals as "their" patients. While semantically there is nothing wrong with this; I suggest that by altering our perspective we can achieve far greater success and influence. What happens when the MD and DC begin to consider "our" patients. By emphasizing co-management (which is the truth) we are able to sublety change perspectives and serve far more friends and neighbors.
-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession. We are dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research. Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals. Join us. Lets grow chiropractic together.
Marketing to MD's: Is it worth it? - by The Evidence Based Chiropractor
Marketing a Chiropractic practice can be an interesting adventure. Every day it seems as though a new marketing "breakthrough" has occurred which promises success beyond our wildest dreams. Unfortunately, as many chiropractors can attest, these schemes are usually short lived at best, and stretch the boundaries of legality at worst.
Building interdisciplinary referral relationships is perhaps one of the most fiscally responsible forms of outreach which also has the ability to produce seriously long term results. Once a local physician begins referring to your office (as long as you provide quality care), they should continue to refer for many years to come with little additional marketing expense.
For physicians new to interdisciplinary outreach, lets take a look at a sample ROI using The Evidence Based Chiropractor membership model-
Yearly Costs-
$357.00 - Membership to The Evidence Based Chiropractor
$294.00 - Postage to reach out to 50 Physicians Per Month for the Year
$150.00- Miscellaneous expense (envelopes, paper, ink)
$180.00- One Hour of Staff Time Per Month at $15.00 per hour
$981.00 Per Year All Included
Most Chiropractors have a case or patient value set at somewhere between $750-$1500 each. Using our current numbers, you would need to receive 1 MD Referral PER YEAR to break even using our system. Even just a single MD Referral each month would potentially generate between $8,019-$17,019 in additional income.
Perhaps more than numbers on a spreadsheet, providing chiropractic care for patients who would not have normally entered your office is the best reward of all.
-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession. We are dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research. Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals. Join us. Lets grow chiropractic together.
MD Marketing for Introverted Chiropractors - by The Evidence Based Chiropractor
For many Chiropractors, especially those who have recently graduated, reaching out to Medical Doctors can seem like a daunting task. It can feel intimidating and overwhelming. But, by having a systematic approach and proper preparation, even the most introverted chiropractorscan succeed in building referral relationships.
Proper Preparation- The first thing to do is become familiar and comfortable with the landmark research regarding chiropractic care. Our members have access to the Top Chiropractic Research PDF in our Members section. Simply becoming familiar with a paper or two for each spinal region (headache/cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine) will provide you a good foundation of knowledge.
Systematic Approach- Members of The Evidence Based Chiropractor have a full, easy to implement system for their outreach. However, if you are not a member, then I would suggest creating a plan for outreach. In short, this would include creating a target list, verifying the list, making a "first touch", following up for a meeting, and subsequently reaching out with research and case notes.
When you have a systematic approach and prepare properly, the anxiety of reaching out fades away. There are no other practitioners more qualified to provide conservative care for the spine than Chiropractors. Continued research fully supports the safety and efficacy of the Chiropractic adjustment. The onus is on each of us to reach out and build referral relationships with other physicians in our community.
-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession. We are dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research. Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals. Join us. Lets grow chiropractic together.
Landmark Chiropractic Research- The UK BEAM Study- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor
The UK BEAM Study, published in 2004, examined a variety of treatments for back pain in a primary care setting. They looked at active exercise (physical therapy), best care (medication and advice), and spinal manipulation. They results were astounding. In part, they concluded that, "At three and 12 months, participants randomized to the spinal manipulation package reported significant improvements in Roland disability scores and several secondary outcomes- pain, back beliefs, and general physical health.”
This piece of research should be a cornerstone of your interdisciplinary outreach!
Interested in more research? Download the Top 10 Chiropractic Research Articles HERE.
-The Evidence Based Chiropractor has assisted hundreds of chiropractors around the globe build interdisciplinary referral relationships.
Have you viewed our FREE Guides? Download The MD Meeting and the 5 Secrets to MD Referrals today
The First Chiropractic Adjustment- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor
In September of 1895 in Davenport, Iowa the first chiropractic adjustment was delivered to William Harvey Lillard by D.D. Palmer. As we understand it, D.D. Palmer was a magnetic healer who had explored a variety of health sciences throughout his lifetime. Mr. Lillard was a janitor who happened to tell Palmer that his hearing was greatly reduced after a spine injury some years earlier. Upon examination, Palmer found a "bump" or lump between the shoulder blades of Mr. Lillard. After "racking" the vertebrae back into position Mr. Lillard experienced a great improvement in his hearing.
The first adjustment was given not for back pain, but for a systemic manifestation of a vertebral (and ultimately nervous system) injury. In many ways this first adjustment was the beginning of a great chasm within chiropractic care. Do we provide care for the spine, the body organs/systems, or perhaps, even both?
It is my opinion that chiropractic is the greatest, drugless, conservative health care profession which has ever been discovered. D.D. Palmer may not have been able to truly grasp the breath and depth of his accomplishment. Over 100 years later, we have been able to stand on the back of giants such as D.D., B.J., Barge, Gonstead, Thompson, Gold, etc.. Our profession at its most basic level is the most effective, safe, and cost-effective healthcare option for neuromusculoskeletal complaints. But, perhaps as research continues to advance, we will be noted for achievements of even greater significance.
-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession. The service, founded and run by Dr. Jeff Langmaid, is dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research. Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals. Join us. Lets grow chiropractic together.