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Risk of Traumatic Injury 76% Lower Visiting a Chiropractor than a Primary Care Physician- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor
Just today SPINE released an epub ahead of print which found, "Among Medicare beneficiaries aged 66-99 with an office visit risk for a neuromusculoskeletal problem, risk of injury to the head, neck or trunk within 7 days was 76% lower among subjects with a chiropractic office visit as compared to those who saw a primary care physician."
That is a startling difference in risk. While, in my opinion, the safety and efficacy of chiropractic care is well documented, it took me by surprise to see the dramatic results of this study.
Below I have included a direct link to the Pubmed page. What are your thoughts on this new research?
Concussion Symptoms Mimic Neck Injury Symptoms- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor
The University of Buffalo recently release a study which evaluated over a hundred patients (including some professional athletes) who had sustained sports related concussions. They found the the symptoms of concussion are closely related to, and overlap, the symptoms of neck injury.
These symptoms include headache, dizziness, vision issues, difficulty concentrating, and memory retention challenges. The researchers have hypothesized that when the symptoms of a concussion last for several months post-injury; the patients may actually be suffering from the results of a undiagnosed neck injury.
As chiropractors, research such as this is a great opportunity to build referral relationships with sports medicine physicians. By working hand in hand with sports medicine physicians, patients will be able to receive the best care possible for the totality of their sports injuries.
-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession. We are dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research. Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals. Join us. Lets grow chiropractic together.
Chiropractic and Stroke- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor
Every few years it seems as though chiropractic and stroke is a hot button issue. Just this week the American Heart Association released a paper which provoked the currently unfounded theory that chiropractic cervical manipulation may be directly associated with an increased risk of stroke. Dr. McCoy, from McCoy Press, released a very eloquent press release which in part states that zero causation has ever been established between chiropractic cervical manipulation and stroke. Additionally, of all the research which has ever been done regarding association; the results are inconclusive at best.
Per an article on WebMD, "Neck manipulation is associated with about one death per 1 million people due to cervical artery dissection, he (Dr. Overland) said.
By comparison, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cause 153 stroke deaths per 1 million people, narcotic medications cause 53 stroke deaths per 1 million people, and spinal surgery of the neck causes 500 stroke deaths per 1 million people, Overland said."
I fully support continued research to evaluate potential risks and benefits associated with chiropractic care. A thorough evaluation of all risks should be paramount. However, statements and articles like the one published by the American Heart Association simply provoke myth, conjecture, and fear. By current research standards you are 153 times more likely to suffer a stroke by taking NSAID's, and 500 times more likely to suffer a stroke after spinal surgery than from a manipulation. While, unfortunately, there is no direct screening procedure to determine the potential of a stroke-like event occurring, a thorough case history and examination is imperative to identify any patients who may have risk factors.
-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession. The service, founded and run by Dr. Jeff Langmaid, is dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research. Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals. Join us. Lets grow chiropractic together.
Cervical Steroid Injection Helps Only 1/3rd of Patients- by The Evidence Based Chiropractor
A recent study presented at the International Spine Invention Society Annual Meeting showed that only 1/3rd of patients who received cervical steroid injections actually benefitted from the procedure. Specifically, they looked at patients suffering from cervical disc herniations. The patients had previous MRI confirmed nerve root compromise.
They found that 1 month after a transforaminal injection, only 35.4% reported a reduction in their radicular pain. Last year, researchers found that every steroid injection in the lumbar spine increased the risk of fracture by 21.%. Although we don't yet know the risk of fracture in the cervical spine, it appears to be quite a chance to take if the treatment (the injections) are useless in two-thirds of patients.
Chiropractic care has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment option for patients with cervical radiculopathy. As a matter of fact, a recent study showed direct reduction in nerve root pressure when a flexion/distraction type chiropractic technique was used in the cervical spine.
-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession. The service, founded and run by Dr. Jeff Langmaid, is dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research. Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals. Join us. Lets grow chiropractic together.
Headaches- Chiropractic Care or Drugs? by The Evidence Based Chiropractor
Do you suffer from headaches that interfere with your work and personal life? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. An estimated 9 out of 10 Americans experience headaches, so chances are you may be one of them. The frequency and severity might vary, but the source could be an unlikely culprit - your spine.
Americans are spending more time than ever in sedentary positions, increasing joint irritation and muscle tension in the neck, upper back and head. When your vertebrae are out of place or there is muscle tension, your nerves may be experiencing unnecessary pressure. These nerves may then be sending painful signals to the muscles in your neck, causing your headaches.
Research over the past 20 years has shown that chiropractic care can lead to significant relief. In a review of nine different studies looking for a link between chiropractic care and headaches, researchers found that spinal manipulation worked just as well, if not better than prescribed medicine.
Some other quick tips to reduce the triggers of headaches:
- Drink water throughout the day to avoid dehydration
- Stretch every 30 minutes if you spend a lot of time in a sedentary position
- Perform low impact exercise daily
-The Evidence Based Chiropractor is the fastest growing chiropractic marketing group in the profession. The service, founded and run by Dr. Jeff Langmaid, is dedicated to increasing chiropractic utilization by showcasing research. Marketing to medical doctors through research is proven, cost effective, and can dramatically improve your incoming referrals. Join us. Lets grow chiropractic together.